Registered Dietitian Bournemouth and Poole
balanced meals healthy recipes intuitive eating

Your Dietitian

I have worked in the NHS for 16 years with over 10 years experience as a Registered Dietitian.

I have worked across a range of specialities including tube feeding, neuro rehab, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies and intolerances and weight management, with adults and children.

I am passionate about helping people to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. I have a keen interest in supporting individuals considering their physical and mental health and the link between these.

I love food and enjoy trying new things, cooking, eating out and ordering in. I promote a balance of eating that considers the pleasure of eating and an intuitive eating approach.

We are all on a journey to better health, each and every change to work towards that is beneficial. I am here to help you achieve your desired changes through nutrition counselling and coaching. There is never any judgement here and I provide a safe and confidential space to talk about your nutritional needs.

Balanced diet intuitive eating
Healthy eating healthy meals intuitive eating